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LG launches first curved screen smartphone in indian market lg g flex

[adrotate banner=”5″] Korean smartphone company LG launches its first ever curved screen phone in Indian market. Name of the smartphone is LG Flex so let’s have a review on the highlights of the smartphone. Name: LG Flex Company: LG Specialty: First Curved screen phone in Indian Market Price: Rupees 69,999

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why i dont like iphone

Well you heard it right, i don’t like iPhone. [adrotate banner=”5″] No offence but there are some solid reasons why i don’t feel iPhone will be a great choice for me when it comes to smartphone. with time so many competitors have arrived in the market who are offering better

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TechnologyWeb Designing

[adrotate banner=”5″] As we have seen now a days use of internet is not limited to just desktop or laptops. Internet is widely being accessed by peoples on mobile phones and tablets also. That means you need one website designed for laptop, one for desktop, one for tablet and one

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google talk- gtalk

[adrotate banner=”5″] Sometimes we don’t want the chat notifications popping up in out desktop when someone pings us on gtalk. There is a simple way to do that – How to stop Desktop messages notifications? Just go to setting section of gtalk. you will see a notification tab there. Click

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Tips and TricksWindows

[adrotate banner=”5″] While working on a system sometimes it happens that the computer stops taking commands and becomes still. This situation is called getting hanged or Freezing of computer. There are some common reasons why computer keeps freezing. Some of them are:- Reason 1: Sometimes  old hardware (eg. Hard disc,

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google drive versus dropbox

[adrotate banner=”5″] Cloud file storage is the best option to keep your files on internet. It’s very easy to access them from anywhere and you can download them anytime you need your files. the best thing is some free cloud file storage companies are providing enough space space to keep

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analyze and improve website speed with yslow
Free Downloads

[adrotate banner=”5″] Have you ever seen any website which takes a lot of time to load on browser. Is your website or blog also one of them. Does your website takes ages to load and at the same time other websites open up very fast and have much more data

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Set Email Notification On Your Facebook Login
FacebookTips and Tricks

[adrotate banner=”5″] Facebook has a feature where you can set email or text notification when you login to your Facebook account from an unknown device. This feature was used to prevent hacking attempts and notify account owner about suspicious login from unknown devices. To enable this feature just go to

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recover deleted files in windows7

[adrotate banner=”5″] Sometimes by mistake or in a hurry we delete any file from our computer. Later on when we relalize the importance of the file we start crying. I can bet this has happened to almost everyone once. What if i say still there are some chances to recover

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google chrome apps web store
Free DownloadsGoogle

[adrotate banner=”5″] Are you bored with default simple look of your chrome browser. Do you want to put some theme to your chrome but don’t know how to do it and where to get them from. Well its very easy. And not just themes you can install many kinds of

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