Best Online Website for YouTube to MP3 Converter

We all know that YouTube is the largest video sharing platform for free watch and upload videos.
There are just billions of videos on YouTube with endless categories. So there are certain videos
that you need right down in your phone for offline play. Here are the best 10 websites that will let
you convert the YouTube video to MP3 for free.
(1) Apowersoft Free Video to MP3:
This is a great website for audio ripping that helps your to convert YouTube video to MP3. Apart
from this, it also lets to use the same service for DailyMotion, Vevo, MySpace and more. You can
also get the video converted to desired format like ACC, WAV, WMA, etc apart from MP3.
(2) YouTubeinMP3:
YouTubeinMP3 is another best online platform to convert youtube videos to MP3. Apart from being
just a video to audio converted it also serves as a downloader. It helps the user to download online
videos and convert them to different formats of audio file.
(3) Video Grabber:
Video Grabber attracts much crowd when it comes to convert Youtube videos to MP3. Aside from
the online audio converted and video editor, Video Grabber also allows you as a downloading
(4) YouTube-MP3:
YouTube-MP3 is the best easiest free online platform to convert Youtube video to MP3 formats. In
just a couple of minutes where you enter the YouTube video URL, select the format and click
convert, your conversion starts with high quality.
Whats special about IXCONVERTER is that aside from the YouTube to MP3 converter, it allows
you to convert YouTube videos to different formats like MP4, 3GP, AVI, FLV, et and download them
for free.
(6) MakeitMP3:
Its a java based online platform to convert YouTube videos to MP3 converter as well as
downloader. People prefer MakeitMP3 because its a online tool which includes an option to choose
the audio quality, i.e. Standard quality to high quality.
Check out these best 10 websites to download free MP3 music.