Complete windows command line cheat sheet

Hello friends check out these windows command line cheat sheet below.
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Windows Registry Commands –
(1) C:\> reg add [\\TargetiPaddr\][RegDomain]\[Key] – Add a key to the registry on machine.
[TargetIPaddr] within the registry domain [Regdomain] to location [key]. If no remote machine is specified, the current machine is assumed.
(2) C:\> reg export [Regdomain]\[Key][Filename] – Export all subkeys and values located in the domain [RegDomain] under the location [Key] to the file [FileName]
(3) C:\> reg import [FileName]- Import all registry entries in the file [FileName] Import and export can only be done from or to the local machine.
(4) reg query [\\TargetIPaddr] [RegDomain]\[Key] /v [ValueName] – Query a key in machine [TargetIPaddr] within the registry domain
[RegDomain] in location [Key] and get the specific value [ValueName] under that key.
Shutdown and Restart –
(1) Shutdown Windows Immediately – C:\> shutdown /s /t 0
Note- command may not proper down the hardware
(2) Restart Windows Immediately- C:\> shutdown /r /t 0
(3) Abort shutdown/restart countdown – C:\> shutdown /a
Useful Netstat Syntax –
(1) Show all TCP and UDP port usage and process ID- C:\> netstat -nao
(2) Look for usage of port [port] every [n] seconds- C:\> netstat -nao [n] | find [port]
(3) Dump detailed protocol statistics- C:\> netstat -s -p [tcp | udp |ip | icmp]
File Search –
(1) Search directory structure for a file in specific directory – C:\> dir /b/s [Directory] \[Filename]