How to Interlink your blog posts right way

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keeping the lessons continue from my previous blog post 9 ultimate tips for Search Engine Optimization. After selection of right keywords for you blog now its time to see how Inter linking works. Internal link building is also a very important part of On page SEO. Using interlinking you blog gets benefited in two ways.
The first one is internal link building makes it easier for a search crawler to read your blog content. If your blog post are not linked internally. Crawler will not be able to crawl your all content properly and this can affect your SEO drastically. The second one is when user is reading one blog post he may be interested in other relevant blog posts by you. If you don’t link your blog post internally user will leave you blog after reading just one post. Keeping interlinked pages will allow your blog reader jump from one blog post to another easily.
So now let’s understand how internal linking works in both ways for you-
Search Engine Optimization-
As I have already explained in this post that interlinking helps a search crawler to crawl you blog. A search blog start reading one post and then tracks the links available in you blog post. When the crawler has read your post completely it start following those links and starts crawling other pages also. So the point “The better your page is interlinked the better a bot will crawl your content”. So internal linking will help you in these very important points-
(1) Increase crawl rate.
(2) Helps in improvement of search engine ranking.
(3) Decrease bounce rate.
The thing you need to remember is don’t overdo it and keep the links relevant. Don’t link pages of different topic.
User Engagement-
Interlinking will also help you keeping your blog readers engaged with the content. As it’s easy for a user to navigate from one blog post to another if the post content is linked properly. If your blog reader finds your blog content interesting he will click on links and move to another post. If you don’t give blog visitor and option to find you other blog post he will leave your blog after single post. Also this activity can be marked as increase in bounce rate.
I hope you have got the point now how important it is to keep your blog posts internally linked. If you have any questing or suggestions regarding this topic. Please comment
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