How to save your wet cell phone(water damage)

Have you got your phone wet in the rain?
Hmm this may happen in rainy season that your very costly phone has gone wet and you are eagerly trying to bring it back to senses. I can understand your situation in this condition how a person feels when you have all your contacts saved inside and a lot of data that you couldn’t take the backup. And now if your phone doesn’t work oh, your don’t want that to happen right. There may be several situations where you may get your phone wet in the water and it stops responding. A serious advice – Don’t ever try to switch it on in this situation until it is fully dry.
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Here I am going to share some tips on how to dry out a wet cell phone.
Step 1- bring the phone out of water as soon as possible. If you act fast enough and take the phone out it may save your phone from being out of order.
Step 2- after you have taken the cell phone out of water switch it off immediately. If your cell phone is still on then the water drops can short circuit inside the cell phone. So immediately switch it off.
Step 3- take out the battery of the phone and put both phone and battery in dry towel or some soft clothes to be dry. This way the towel will soak the water drops from cell phone parts. Don’t try to dry out your cell phone with hair dryer. The hot air from hair dryer may harm the circuits inside the phone.
Step 4- put your phone inside rice. Rice particles have the ability to soak the water drops faster so its preferable to put the wet phone inside rice.
Step 5- after you have put your cell phone to be dry. Leave it as it is for almost 24 to 48 hours. In this period the all wet parts will be moisture free.
Step 6- if still the cell phone does not work. Better not to experiment with it and show up your phone to authorized service center.
So guys the steps I have written above are just the initial steps. If your phone does not respond after making it moisture less don’t wait. Just show it to authorized service center and always keep backup of your phones data. Because the first thing service center guys will do is format your phone’s memory that will delete all your saved data. This is my personal experience J
Hope it helped. Please share it on your Facebook if you like my post.
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