meaning of lol,asl,wtf,btw,omg,faq,fyi and other most used abbreviations

Ever since the internet chatting has evolved. Uses of abbreviations are very common. Earlier the short words were used to reduce typing long sentences and express your feelings in abbreviations. But now if you see these slang words have come in verbal use in our daily life also. Now days everyone uses these words in internet chat, mobile messages or our normal gossip. abbreviations or slang terms have become so familiar in our regular use that we don’t even realize when we are using them sometimes. So let’s understand when these slang words actually mean.
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LOL: laugh out loud
ASAP : As soon as possible
TBH : To be honest
GEEZ : Jesus
GRAND : One thousand $
419 : Nigerian Email Scam
2 : To
OTT : Over the top
ROFL : Rolling On Floor Laughing
H5 : High Five
ASL: Age/Sex/Location
BTW: By the Way
ATM: At the Moment
WTF: What the Fuck
WB: Welcome Back
SYS: see you soon
SUP: What’s up
OMG: Oh my God!
IC: I See
ILU: I Love You
IM: Instant Messenger
DND: Do not disturb
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
FYI: For your information
GR8: Great
GTG: Got to Go
GF: girl friend
BF: boy friend
RIP: Rest in Piece
SEC: second
Sry : sorry