Meet the founder of Tracknext Shibam Sarbswa

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Shibam is an Entrepreneur from New Delhi, India and his recent startup “Tracknext-A business social network”  is getting popularity day by day. He is also co-founder of International Engineer Federation and Shibam is passionate about his dreams and commited towards his life aim. We had a quick QA session with him and tried to know more about him and his inspiration.

Q. Hello Shibam, Welcome to nextrollout. Tell me something about yourself.

Hello Nextrollout team!!
I belong to India, the all credit of my entrepreneurship goes to my mom, who is a lecturer by profession & the best friend of mine ; someone who helps me in every walk of life, also praises me for my victory n blesses me to be the best.
By profession I am a mechanical Engineer from Manav Rachna International University & a serial entrepreneur by heart.

Q. What was the story behind tracknext. I mean how did you guys thought of starting tracknext and the objective behind it.

We are startup and we personally find difficult to get into marketing because it needs lots of Money into social and search engine marketing. Same time I feel many organization and who seriously want to start their business or income need to invest a lot on such social Networking and Search engine site. This is the one reason to create “The Business Social Network” called Trcknext.

 Q. As an entrepreneur what are the challenges that you are faced in startup phase.

Frankly Speaking, nothing in this world is a cake walk; but every time my TEAM stood up & defeated every bugs & problems. It’s really impossible to start without a balanced team, we have spent many sleepless nights together working on it & bringing it to this level.

 Q. Tell us something about your team and their motivation.

I think the inspiration comes from everything you see around, every person you meet, every story you read & every movie you watch, Each & everything pushes us towards your startup

 Q. What are your hobbies?

I Love Exploring Opportunities .

Q. Your vision for tracknext? is India’s first BSN (i.e. Business-Social-Network) where people can publish their personal as well as professional profile together at the same place. It aims at providing Smart Search Representation (SSR) to give every member without charging them even for a little investment. Tracknext has a SEO of 83% which covers not only the keywords rather the whole things you publish over it; resulting extra traffic to your business website. It also has a new feature such as providing Batches to students who do well in their tests & recommend them to the HR of recruiters, providing a platform to launch. It can maintain data which ranges from the person’s location, industry skills and also educational qualifications. It is also a big place to market events & offers as well.

 Q. Any advice for newly turned entrepreneurs.

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