My blogging journey with

Hello friends, it’s been a while I am connected with you through It’s a tech blog which is also a platform for me to share what I know and can be useful for someone else. How I got into blogging is not a long story but moreover it’s a common story. And yes why I am feel like writing this blog post because after spending almost one year (almost 10 months) in blogging I have decided to write on blogging also. Though I am not having a very good experience and blogging has never been a part of my full time job but still I enjoyed it a lot. And whatever I have learned so far and whatever I will be learning I will keep updating here.

Its not my success story cause I can’t say I am a successful blogger and blah blah but one thing I can say that observing your little baby to grow is the biggest fun specially when you are continuously experimenting on it and observing the growth. Sometimes you get a lot of success and sometimes you fail but one thing you surely get is the experience.

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Starting of Blog:

Myself priyanka and I live in New Delhi, heart of India. It all started with an opportunity at my company where a chance was given to all employees to learn anything they want but valuable and at last after 6 months we had to present what we had learned to all other colleagues.  After looking at several potential topics I chose of SEO. It was the time of last year September 2013 when I started looking at online articles on SEO. We used to get only weekend (Saturday) to learn all this but it was enough for me. Also after office hours my favorite time pass was watching movies or TV or some time pass kind of stuff.

When I started learning blogging and SEO it was like simple thing for me. I thought it will be better to learn with a live example so after some days I decided to buy a domain for my blog. After a lot of brainstorming I chose a name nextrollout (quite an unconventional name huh). Initially I used to see other blogs (which I still do) and try to understand what they are doing to increase their followership.   Blogging for me was like stuffing the content to my blog (as I think every new blogger does) cause I used to see a very less content on my blog and when I used to see other blogs with a lot of articles I used to get mad for the content.

There was no direction at that time. I was like just fill the content baby and leave the rest. Didn’t know a bit about SEO so whatever traffic I used to get was from social networking websites.

I did intense promotion of my blog on Facebook, Google plus and Twitter. However I was not getting daytime to do this I somehow managed to do it at night. Darren Rowse and neil patel  and few others Probloggers (It’s a little long list ;))are my favourite bloggers . In my free time i like to read their blogs.

During times I learned a lot about blogging and SEO. It may not be a lot as compare to other successful bloggers but YES it’s a lot for me as I started blogging few months back. There is a lot to share about my blogging journey and I think it is not possible to share all the experience in a single post. So I have thought of making a series of posts.

In my next post I will share my experience with facebook fan page and struggle to get more likes.